
Registration closed Thursday, June 2nd, 23:59 PDT

Online Conference

Your registration fee for the conference includes:

  • Participation in main conference sessions (five days of sessions beginning June 6 with the opening reception including keynotes, live streaming paper sessions & symposia, live poster sessions, interactive demos)
  • Eligibility to sign up for Pre-Conference Workshops ($0 fee) – first come, first served. More information coming soon
  • Access to the online conference with the event app Whova, a few weeks prior the conference
  • Conference information pack (includes access to electronic proceedings and program)
  • Expanded online networking opportunities including speed-dating events, and meet-ups with experts in the field
  • Various awards including ISLS Best Paper Award 2022, ISLS Naomi Miyake Award (Best Student Paper) 2022, ISLS Best Design Paper Award 2022
  • Social events including “Radio Taisou” (working out to radio music; the most famous Japanese exercise broadcast every morning countrywide), interactive cooking, and other cultural events.

Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your registration prior to May 24th, 2022, you will be refunded your registration fee minus a $50 administrative charge. Registrations cancelled after the May 24th deadline will not be eligible for a refund. All refunds will be credited back to the account from which the payment was made.


Participation in the Pre-Conference Workshops & Tutorials requires you to have registered for the ISLS Annual Meeting 2022. There will be no extra fee for attending these workshops. Workshops will take place online May 30–June 5 to accommodate for time zone differences. We will inform you when workshop sign up opens up. Note that participant spaces at Pre-Conference Workshops will be filled on a first come first served basis.


Accepted long, short & symposia papers and posters will be published in two separate proceedings for the ICLS and CSCL programs, respectively. A third publication will contain supplementary material, including Keynote abstracts, descriptions of accepted Pre-Conference Workshops & Tutorials, Interactive Tools & Demos as well as accepted Doctoral Consortium, Early- and Mid-Career applications. All proceedings will be made available in the ISLS repository:

Please note that in order for a contribution to be included in the proceedings, one of the authors must pay the membership & registration fee for the conference by the camera-ready deadline.


Follow us on Twitter @isls2022 for the latest ISLS 2022 announcements.