International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
Call for Contributions to the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
Submissions closed November 21st, 23:59 PST
The 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) will be held as part of the ISLS Annual Meeting 2022 in Hiroshima, Japan. The ICLS program welcomes papers across a multitude of topics of interest to the learning sciences—papers that present research on learning theories and processes, instructional practices, and design of environments to support learning outcomes. The program welcomes papers from diverse methodologies, including papers and symposia across disciplinary foci. The program invites papers that explore the conference theme of international collaboration that empowers educational innovation for all and that explore meaningful connections among research, development, and practice. We are calling for studies that address a variety of topics including the following:
Promoting diversity, equity, and justice in educational settings
We also call for papers that address ways in which educational designs can promote diversity, equity, and justice in educational contexts. Each of the topics discussed below can be productively interconnected with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and social justice. As one example, the mandatory reliance on technology for instruction during the pandemic has widened educational injustices on student populations that simultaneously suffer disproportionately from the pandemic, and innovative designs can endeavor to address these challenges. Learning sciences research needs to address and disrupt such inequities.
Investigating innovative pedagogies, technologies, and learning environments
We call for papers that design, develop and investigate innovative pedagogies, technologies, and learning environments that help learners engage in more effective learning experiences with others. This includes papers that pursue pedagogical and technological innovation—with a focus on understanding the processes, tools, and contexts, as well as outcomes, of learning in its myriad forms. Papers may investigate a broad range of formal learning environments and informal contexts, including innovative designs – arising in the “new normal” of the pandemic.
Elucidating theories and processes of learning and teaching
A core feature of research in the learning sciences is attention to detailed processes of learning and teaching for theory development. Accordingly, we call for papers that address questions about learning processes, mechanisms, and outcomes. Papers may develop data-driven theories that elucidate processes of learning and teaching within various contexts, and the ways in which technologies, instructional practices, and learning environments can be designed to support learning in different contexts.
Connecting research, practice, and policy
Learning sciences research has also addressed how to connect research, practice, and policy. This includes papers with the aim to impact educational policy and practice, including explorations of research-practice partnerships. Papers may examine issues such as how to intertwine research and practice while maintaining a balance between them, and how to create equitable research-practice partnerships that acknowledge and draw from the various expertise and the multiple perspectives that practitioners, researchers and policymakers bring to the table. Diverse methodologies can be employed for examining learning at scale for educational impact. Papers may also develop and examine innovative approaches to better impact policy and practice while maintaining a productive dialogue between various stakeholders.
We offer a variety of publication formats:
- Full papers (8 pages) for mature work that builds on and advances the conceptual background of learning together, elaborating on methods, data, and analysis. Full paper submissions should state: (a) the major issue(s) addressed, (b) potential significance of the work, (c) the theoretical and methodological approach(es) pursued, (d) major findings, conclusions, implications, and (e) relevant scholarly references.
- Short papers (4 pages) for work that makes significant contributions, but that is of smaller scale, targeting specific instructional innovations, or that can be reported briefly. Otherwise, the same criteria apply as listed for full papers above.
- Posters (2 pages) for work in in progress and for novel and promising ideas. The two-page abstract should identify the aspect of the work that will likely lead to productive discussions with conference participants in a poster session, including figures as visual support.
- Symposia (8 pages) for conveying larger ideas or results about a specific issue. Discussion among members of the symposium and with the audience should be moderated to focus on certain positions or controversies. It is not sufficient for a symposium to simply be a set of related papers, such as papers from a specific research group. Rather, symposia proposals will be evaluated on their capacity to address larger issues of interest to the LS community. A clear description should provide:
- The overall focus of the symposium
- The major issues addressed or overarching/integrative points illustrated by the collective work
- How the collective presentations contribute towards the issues or points raised
- The significance of the contributions
- Separate, brief descriptions of the content of each presentation should be included in the 8-page submission
Submissions must follow the formatting instructions of their respective submission category. All papers will be subjected to peer review by an international program committee. The Program Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submitted paper is accepted for presentation as a long paper, short paper, or poster. All accepted papers and posters will be published in the proceedings.
Submission instructions
Please submit your proposal at Submissions now closed.
To prepare your submission, please use:
Please note that papers and posters will be reviewed blind. Please prepare your papers accordingly and see the ISLS Template for suggestions. Symposia will NOT be blind reviewed, so please include author information in the proposal, thanks.