mentoring Workshops
All three workshops will take place prior to the conference and will spread the meeting times over multiple days to accommodate for the different time zones. Meeting times are planned between May 31 and June 5. Please find their schedules below:
Doctoral Consortium
Organizers & Contact
Crina Damşa—University of Oslo, Norway
Joseph Polman—University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Xueqi Feng—Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Contact us at [email protected] for all questions regarding the workshop.
Welcome to the online doctoral consortium! The purpose of the Doctoral Consortium is to welcome early career researchers into the Society. We will create space for presentations and discussions about a range of topics associated with the academic profession. We hope we will contribute to creating a sense of community by facilitating meetings with peers, more senior researchers and editors of relevant journals in the field of learning sciences.
The Doctoral Consortium workshop activities are planned between May 31 and June 3. Part of the program consists of mentoring sessions in small groups of 2 participants.
Before the start date of the workshop, participants are asked to prepare a poster presenting their research project, to be uploaded in Gather.Town by May 27 the very latest. Submit your poster through the channel provided by the DC organizers in the email correspondence.
During the Doctoral Consortium workshop, we intend to use GatherTown for discussions, poster display and informal gatherings. A Zoom solution will be prepared as back up.
Friday, May 27: Students upload posters in Gather.Town
Tuesday, May 31
Plenary opening
Part 1: Poster presentation + overview program + introduce mentors. Break.
Participants From: Americas / Africa, Europe / Asia
Part 2: Mentoring groups. Session arranged by mentor. Session consists of Q&A with students’ advice / discussion.
Participants From: Americas / Africa / Europe
Thursday, June 2
Part 1: Mentoring groups. Session arranged by mentor. Session consists of Q&A with students’ advice / discussion.
Participants From: Europe / Asia
Part 2: Panel “Careers”.
Participants From: Americas / Africa, Europe / Asia
Friday, June 3
Part 1: Panel “Meet the editors” together with Early Career Workshop. Opportunity to ask questions to the editors of some of the most prominent journals in our field.
Participants From: Americas / Africa, Europe / Asia
Part 2: What do you take away from the DC. Plenary closing of the DCW and social mingling.
Participants From: Americas / Africa, Europe / Asia
Early Career Workshop
Organizers & Contact
Julia Eberle—Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Marcela Borge—Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jan van Aalst—University of Hong Kong, China
Contact us for all questions regarding the workshop.
The Early Career Workshop is intended for learning scientists a few years beyond their doctorate. Participants typically are toward the end of a postdoctoral position or an assistant professor. Activities include one-on-one mentoring, discussions on publishing and obtaining grants in the learning sciences, and other aspects of developing one’s career.
Wednesday, June 1: Participants should look through each others’ posters
Thursday, June 2
Getting to Know Each Other: Speed Research Matching
Participants From: Global
Informal Chat
Participants From: Global
US Small Group Mentoring
Participants From: US Local
Friday, June 3
EUR Small Group Mentoring
Participants From: EUR Local
Meet the Editors: JLS, Instructional Science, ijCSCL, Computers & Education, Journal of Learning Analytics
Participants From: Global (Across DC/ECW/MC)
Informal Chat
Participants From: Global
Grant writing Q & A
Participants From: Global
US Collaborative Session (Final Reflections & Plans)
Participants From: US Local
Saturday, June 4
EUR Collaborative Session
Participants From: EUR Local
Q & A Mentor Panel
Participants From: Global
Closing Session
Participants From: Global
Thursday, June 9
Early Career Spotlight
Participants From: Global
Mid-Career Workshop
Organizers & Contact
Alyssa Wise—New York University, USA
Heisawn Jeong—Hallym University, Korea
Kris Lund—CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
Contact us for all questions regarding the workshop.
The Mid-Career Workshop is an interactive event that offers the opportunity for learning sciences researchers to reflect on their existing work and strategically plan for the next phase of their careers. We will discuss what is known about the mid-career research stage and look at varying conditions and challenges for mid-career researchers across countries and contexts. The workshop will feature whole-group and break-out sessions to create, reflect on, and promote individual career plans, learn from each other about leadership roles and supervising junior researchers, and find effective ways to self-organize and manage the competing demands of research, teaching, and service. Workshop participants will share experiences among themselves, develop and collect feedback on their own research agendas and plans for a satisfying and successful mid-career, and learn to apply effective knowledge management strategies.
Session 1 – Tuesday, May 31
Introductions (whole group)
- Who we are, our trajectory to get here
Next Level Research Leadership (self-organized break out sessions)
- Topic 1: Running large / complex projects
- Topic 2: Developing sustainable funding structures
Building Relationships (whole group)
- Supervisory, collaborative and beyond, how to develop teams and networks
Session 2 – Wednesday, June 1
Translating Research for Impact (whole group)
- Thinking about how to getting things you produce into the hands of learners / teachers and ways to write and publish for for broad audiences
Being Intentional About the The Path Forward (self-organized break out sessions)
Making strategic choices about “service” and collaboration opportunities to both make valuable contributions and develop yourself professionally
- Topic 1: Opportunities within your institution
- Topic 2: Opportunities in national and international professional societies
- Topic 3: Opportunities with industry partners and outside stakeholders
Balancing it All (whole group)
- Finding time for “deep work” and your own life amidst a never-ending stream of things that need doing and people that need your time
Both sessions will meet at the same time as listed by location below:
- US Pacific: 1–2:30pm
- US Eastern: 4–5:30pm
- Central Europe: 10–11:30pm
- Eastern Europe: 11pm–12:30am
- Korea: 5–6:30am next day